As trained viticulturists ourselves we know the winegrowing business from top to bottom. This enables us to thoroughly analyze and interpret your vineyard operations, and to effectively market the strengths of your property.
Below is a summary of our proprietary approach to maximizing your outcome as a vineyard seller:
· First, we work with you to conduct a thorough analysis of your vineyard property, including vine health, yield history, grape contracts, production potential, AVA and terroir.
· We then use this analysis to create a marketing plan tailored to your vineyard property. This plan will play to the strengths of your property, as determined by our knowledge of wine industry market conditions and trends.
· Next, we market your listing through wine industry channels as well as traditional real estate avenues, digital media and targeted advertising to high net-worth demographics.
· We also work our personal industry networks to further spread the word and attract specialized interest.